Valhalla - Reign Of Glory

09.11.2005., srijeda

What to say....

A sta da vam kazem, stvarno nemam sta pisat.....ovo pišem samo da se otvori moj blog koji mi fali i koji ponovo želim vidjet! Dosadni su mi više ti blogovi i sranja, samo svadje ili ulizivanja!
Ali, reci cu par stvarcica o meni.

A evo......ovih dana mi je SUUUPER iako sam bolestan s temperaturom 38.0 , 38.5 , 39.0 jer neidem u skolu. A pogotovo jer vidim svoju ljubav lijepo kod mene svaki dan!

Hahaha, smjesno ali to je to o meni. Neda mi se vise pisat. kod mene je sve isto i nemam sta pisat! Neznam dali vam se isplati gubit vrijeme i dolazit na moj blog!
- 10:43 - Komentari (16) - Isprintaj - #

07.10.2005., petak

HMU under construction

Ubrzo ce u izradi bit HMU (Heavy Metal Union) website! Tamo ce se, svatko tko zeli, moci prijaviti (unutar Hrvatske naravno) i postati član unije....udruženja tojest!
Naravno svaki će član dobiti i posebnu iskaznicu i mali metalni logo unije!

Neče se znati za što je unija, znati će samo članovi unije ali će i ubrzo znat i ostali OTPRILIKE čemu služi!

Zainteresirani mi se mogu javit na MSN (, ili na mail (!

To bi bilo sve što se tice ove teme....! Samo da još naglasim....zainteresirani nek mi se jave na MSN ili mail.....njih ću samo zapisat na listu membera.....kad SITE bude gotov, i kad sve bude krenulo kontaktirat cu ih i dobit ce Iskaznicu i LOGO!

A sad evo vama samo slika Logo-a!

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- 11:49 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

01.10.2005., subota

Fuck Off svi

Brisat post, necu.....Obazirat se na vas, necu.....Slušat vaše savijete, necu....necu....necu.....necu....!
Odjebat vas sve.....hoću!
- 13:41 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

20.09.2005., utorak

Proof of my AIM

Eto....napravio sam jednu kratku verziju mog filma ! Nisam htjeo punu stavit jer puna verzija ima više od 10 MB-a! a ovako samo 5 i po.....nemorate je skidat.....odite samo na ovaj link i ako zelite malo pogledat....eto...sto da kazem nego da UZIVATE! 3 Kratka AVI demo-a u jednom filmu s dodatnim efektima i natpisima!
WARNING!!!!! Morat cete pricekat kratko vrijeme od 3-4 minute da se buffering napravi i da vam se ucita.....after that.....enjoy! :D

Click here to watch Adanath play
- 19:52 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

15.09.2005., četvrtak

Still chained but unlocked

Evo...mogu pisat blog sad....mislim....nece bit nista posebno...kao i uvijek...ali me boli više kurac za sve...! Samo da vam kazem.......kao sto znate....izbrisani su svi blogovi koje sam do sad naoravio jer su stvarno besmisleni! a kao drugo napravih ono sto sam oduvijek o svojoj naj igri....! Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.....! Tu ce za interesirane koji zele svoj skill povecat pa i aim...mogu puno toga naucit s bloga....! evo vam url:

Skocite i vidite malo...možda i vi pocnete igrat Wolf: ET....:D
- 17:13 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

30.08.2005., utorak

Image hosted by Photobucket.comLocked and ChainedImage hosted by

Sam naslov govori o cemu se radi.....neznam do kad.....mozda do sutra.....mozda nikad! Vidite da i razmisljam mnogo o jednoj stvari.....4 i pol je ujutro....!
Eto....jednostavno to je pretesko....! Ne zelim obrisat ovaj blog jer mi je drag zbog toga jer sam ga otvorio sa svojom ljubavi! Ali sto je, je! IT IS LOCKED!

Joj da.....htjeo sam samo pokrenut temicu o necemu......!

Jeli vi mislite da neki ljudi imaju lude sreće u životu? mislim....te ce osobe znat sigurno da je imaju....ja sam vezanih ruku.....! Shvatit ce to par osoba!
Ne kuzim samo kako neki ljudi prolaze nekaznjeni a rade sranja na sve strane....!

Eto....vidimo se......a mozda i ne!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comValhalla is locking his doors to mortal crewImage hosted by to the gate you see a big writing on the is written "locked to mortals....only metal warriors fallen with pride are able to unlock them with force!"
- 04:32 - Komentari (34) - Isprintaj - #

24.08.2005., srijeda

Par ide dalje

Eto.....i tako je i karmen prosla....kako mi je drago da ne mozete vjerovat.....!

Tako ja i moja ljubav idemo dalje!¨

Bravo još jednom ljubavi.....svaka ti cast....trebali ste to vidjet...tako je dobro napisala pismeni da netreba doc na usmeni!

To je moja ljubav...hehehe! volim te!

A vama pozdrav!
- 22:46 - Komentari (10) - Isprintaj - #

23.08.2005., utorak

I tako ja idem dalje....

Evo ljudi....nevjerojatno ali istinito.....Idem sad u sljedeci razred.....! Danas sam imao popravni i uspio sam proc iako nista nisam se zove sreca.....a i pomogla mi je moja ljubav u tome....i to puno! više nego sto mi je sreca! Hvala Karmen!!!

Ali osjecam se dobro....sutra je mojoj ljubavi popravni....mora proc 2 ispita....malo je zeznuto...ali ja znam da ce upsjet jer vjerujem u nju....znam da zna skoro sve!
Ako ona padne (a nece) onda ce meni bit kao da sam i ja pao!


tko je uz mene da Karmen dobije potporu?! ajmo javljajte se! (ako se ne javite smatram da niste procitali blog) ;D!
- 15:52 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

22.08.2005., ponedjeljak

Orcs....fallen elfs

eto...moj posljednji blog koji sam napravio i koji cu vodit.....potrudio sam se fuuul pa ako vam se da skocite....! Radi se o Orkovima, i kao sto ste mogli vec vidjet na blogu od Etriel ...tojest blog elfova.....tako je slicno tu....! evo ful mi se svidja i strava mi je mp3 musika iza...! Uzivajte i skocite malo tamo...!

btw...da vas podsjetim! Odite svako toliko na blog BattleCry jer ce flashing news letit brzo....;Dž

Eto vam link za orkish horde blog: Burn.....Cut......Kill
- 11:05 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

18.08.2005., četvrtak

Novi Blog

Evo i to je gotovo......naravno...jos se treba doradit!

Ovaj blog koji mozete uvijek vidjet sa strane među mojim linkovima....a i sad cu vam ga tu stavit je moj solo band i zove se BattleCry....! Usput kad dodjete na stranicu bloga ce vam pisat i vrsta i sve a i moci cete cut pozadinsku MIDI file je jedna pjesma medju mojih 5 zasad (6 ce ih bit) na WarCry-u (1st album)!

Eto.... ja vam predlazem da poslusate do kraja pjesmu jer je pri kraju jedan dio kojime sam ponosan jako!

Ajde uzivajte.........Let the WarCry begin!
- 12:11 - Komentari (18) - Isprintaj - #

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Opis bloga

We are all sons of Odin

This url and company helped me a lot with my work.....go and see this site (get your free "homepage"):
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My eternal love:

Friend list:
Lady Anerol

Heavy links:
Gamma Ray

My solo band Blog:

Image hosted by Photobucket.comMidi file playing:
Kiss: I was made for loving you


Heavy-Power Metal:
Luca Turilli
Gamma Ray


Be a...
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My eternal love....
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My favorite band....ManOwaR
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My favorite Rhapsody song:
Dawn Of Victory


Fire is raging on the battlefield
while Arwald is fighting the war of the kings
The army of Dargor, the thunder, the storm...
so people are calling the brave and his sword
No time left to save the wise throne!

Shades of a past not so far to forget...
the rise of the demons from their bloody hell!
So come mighty warrior to light the lost hope
for Tharos the dragon and your cosmic soul...
Now handle your emerald sword!

For Ancelot
the ancient cross of war
for the holy town of gods
Gloria, gloria perpetua
in this dawn of victory

The ride of the dead and their practice of pain
is pounding in him as a terrific quake
You're closer and closer now follow their smell
with your holy armour the steel in your hand
Fly angel of bloody revenge!

For Ancelot
the ancient cross of war
for the holy town of gods
Gloria, gloria perpetua
in this dawn of victory

Tragic and furious the clash of the steel of the gods
and so magic the power, the sword in his valorous hands
Oceans of fire are blasting the throne of the demons
and from distant red skies the thunders are calling his name
the name of the master of pain!

For Ancelot
the ancient cross of war
for the holy town of gods
Gloria, gloria perpetua
in this dawn of victory
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My favorite ManOwaR song:
Thor: The Powerhead


Black clouds on the horizon
Great thunder and burning rain
His chariot pounding,
I heard the heavens scream his name

I watched as he shouted
To the giants that died that day
He hehd up his hammer high
And called to Odin for a sign

Thor the mighty, Thor the brave
Crush the infidels in your way
By your hammer let none be saved
Live to die on that final day
Gods, Monsters and Men
We'll die together in the end

God of thunder, god of rain
Earth shaker who feels no pain
The powerhead of the Universe
Now send your never ending curse

Swing your hammer to crack the sky
Lift your cape so that you might fly
Back to Odin and the Gods on High
And leave this mortal world
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My favorite Gamma Ray song:


I was lost, had no reason
I was blind, saw no treason
I was devastated, couldn't take no more
Man infuriated, raging thunderstorm

Where's it gone, the golden future
Where's it now, the dream come true
All we are, eternal sinners
Hiding in their darkened room

And I hear the cry of an eagle
Out in the heavens he will not obey
I hear the cry of an eagle
Riding on wings of tomorrow
that take me away

I was scared, for a lifetime
I've been had, nuclear crime
Is this never ending, grand catastrophy
Here I am ascending, from this misery

Where's it now, your golden future
Where's it gone, your dream come true
All I see, immortal sinners
Rising fear, I'm leaving you

And I hear the cry of an eagle
Out in the heavens he will not obey
I'm riding the sky like an eagle
Follow the sunrise on wings that will take me away

Faster, faster to the light, in this world too many fights
Devastation, termination, leave the world for recreation

Out in my dreamworld there's a better place to be
Cause all this world is full of lies
Breaking chains that hold me down I fly up to the sun
Another place, another life

I'm riding the sky like an eagle
Out in the heavens I will not obey
I'm riding the sky like an eagle
Follow the sunrise on wings that will take me away